
Showing posts from February, 2012

I Am Going On

Yesterday in Church, I heard my pastor talked about me and my blog: Jimmy Unstoppable. That's when I realized that I have not updated it for quite a while. That's when I also decided to continue on with this blog. I set this up to remind myself that life doesn't stop just because you've retired from work. The fact is, I feel I am just starting with my journey in life and I am discovering a lot of new things out there including the net world. When I started writing on this blog, I was so nervous that I wrote my articles on paper first and let my wife edit it before posting it here. Over time, that fear of making a mistake have been erased. Today, I write directly on the blog. Today, I feel more comfortable writing from my heart. What a change! So I am going on with this blog. I will not be hindered by anything, I am unstoppable. Many thanks to my precious wife, who have been my source of encouragement on a daily basis. Thanks too for my mentor Jomar Hilario, ...