
Showing posts from January, 2012

20 Tips for Better Living in 2012

2012. Another year has passed. Many said that 2011 went by so fast. I felt that too! But here's the thing. For those who were focused in accomplishing their goals, 2011 was fast. The reverse is true for those who were busy doing nothing. This year, my goal is to simplify my life and accomplish something. My focus will be on the things: 1. Grow in my relationship with God, 2. Family, 3. Ministry and this includes winning souls and making disciples, expanding our business reach and working with the interns at Uno Overseas. This morning I received an interesting email from a co-worker at NCR Phils., Tina Castaneda. I am posting this because am sure it will be handy if you're setting goals for 2012. It was a blessing to me and I am sure it will be to you too. You don't have to do all 20 but if you can do some which are meaningful to you, then you have made a step forward. Twenty tips for better living in the New Year:    1. Rise and pray every day: "Again ...